Housing And Redevelopment Authority

The Housing and Redevelopment Authority Commission consists of seven members – three city council members, a Port Authority representative, one public housing or Section 8 resident, and two non-elected citizens. The purpose of the board is to provide decent, safe and sanitary housing to low income individuals and to facilitate economic development and redevelopment efforts.  A term on the commission is five years.  Meets the fourth Tuesday of every month at 3:30 pm.


Housing And Redevelopment Authority – 5 year term
Oballa Oballa 2104 14th Avenue NE 05/06/24 – 12/31/26 Citizen
Marsha Podein 808 1st Drive NW 02/21/23-12/31/27 HRA resident
Vern Lippert 2013 6th Avenue NE 03/07/16 – 12/31/29 Citizen
Mike Postma 500 4th Avenue NE 01/19/21 Council 2nd Ward
Rebecca Waller 500 4th Avenue NE 01/21/25 Council 1st Ward
Paul Fischer 500 4th Avenue NE 01/22/19 Council 3rd Ward
Tim Ruzek 811 10th Street NW 01/03/23 – 12/31/26 Port Authority