Parks, Recreation & Forestry
Online Registration
Park & Recreation500 4th Avenue NE
Austin, MN 55912
(507) 433-1881
Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm
Jason Sehon, Parks, Recreation & Forestry Director
Luke Reese, Naturalist & Nature Center Director
Meredith Maloney, Nature Center Assistant
Sydney Weisinger, Teacher Naturalist
Riley Donovan, Recreation Supervisor
Randy Hofner, Park Supervisor
Tricia A. Branden, Park & Recreation Clerk
Patti Hamilton, Administrative Assistant
Code of Conduct
Park and Recreation Department expects our supervisors and coaches to set a good example for participants and fans to follow, exemplifying the highest moral and ethical behavior. Please notify us, if you observe behavior contrary to this statement.
- Our Goal is to provide each participant with a positive learning experience.
- If your child has some specialized needs, please let us know.
- The City of Austin has adopted a policy which prohibits the use of tobacco in all city facilities or at any playground/park location. Please be considerate to others and abide by the policy.
New Rhapsody Outdoor Musical Instruments.
They are located on the path between the Municipal Pool and the Public Library.