(507) 433-1881.
Selection: The Right Tree in the Right Place
Thinking about planting a tree in the boulevard or right-of-way?
Consult the Approved Boulevard Tree List and contact the Parks, Recreation, and Forestry Department at (507) 433-1881.
Trees can be a great investment, but do some quick research first. In order to maximize the benefits of your tree and make the smartest investment, try to match planting site and tree characteristics.
Things to consider:
- Mature Size
- Cold Hardiness Zone
- Soil Drainage
- Soil pH
- Sun Exposure
- Desired Tree Features
When purchasing your tree, look for:
- One central lead, otherwise a tree that can easily be pruned to one central leader
- No scrapes or cracks in the bark (don’t be afraid to remove wrapping to check)
- No more than 4” of soil over the roots
- A trunk centered in the soil
- A crown height that is at least 60% of total tree height for deciduous trees and 75% for conifers
Now that you have purchased your tree, be sure to give your tree a healthy start through proper planting.
- Remove root problems
- Do not dig the hole too deep (the dimensions of the hole are VERY important)
- Water
- Mulch (but not too much)
The first five years of a trees life are the most important. You can “train” your tree to grow healthy and strong and also keep future maintenance needs to a minimum.
Tree Care Tips
Trees are vulnerable to all sorts of different diseases and pests. Properly caring for your tree is the best form of protection. If your tree has already fallen victim to a disease or pest, identify the issue and see what management option you will need to take.
Consult these websites to diagnose the issue.
What’s wrong with my plant?
What insect is this?
Certain diseases and pests have more large-scale devastating effects due to their invasive nature. Be on the lookout for these destructive diseases and pests.
Emerald Ash Borer
Japanese Beetle
Dutch Elm Disease
How to Identify and Manage Dutch Elm Disease
Oak Wilt
How to Identify, Prevent, and Control Oak Wilt
Asian Longhorned Beetle
“The best friend on earth of man is the tree. When we use the tree respectfully and economically, we have one of the greatest resources of the earth.” ~Frank Lloyd Wright
Trees and the urban forest play a significant, yet under appreciated role in the well-being our entire community. Trees are major capital assets. Just as streets, sidewalks, sewers, and public buildings are a part of our infrastructure, so are publicly owned trees. However, unlike these other capital assets, trees are almost guaranteed to appreciate in value. A tree with a diameter of 30 inches can provide up to 70 times the benefits of a tree with a diameter of 3 inches! Take a closer look at all of the benefits trees provide and come to understand why trees are well worth the care and maintenance they need.
Benefits Calculator: Discover the money you can save with the trees in your yard
Benefits of Trees
“The best friend on earth of man is the tree. When we use the tree respectfully and economically, we have one of the greatest resources of the earth.” ~Frank Lloyd Wright
Trees and the urban forest play a significant, yet under appreciated role in the well-being our entire community. Trees are major capital assets. Just as streets, sidewalks, sewers, and public buildings are a part of our infrastructure, so are publicly owned trees. However, unlike these other capital assets, trees are almost guaranteed to appreciate in value. A tree with a diameter of 30 inches can provide up to 70 times the benefits of a tree with a diameter of 3 inches! Take a closer look at all of the benefits trees provide and come to understand why trees are well worth the care and maintenance they need.
Benefits Calculator: Discover the money you can save with the trees in your yard
Trees increase property values and attract more home buyers leading to increased municipal revenue.
Property value increases in Athens, Georgia resulted in $200,000 of property tax revenue a year!
Shoppers spend more time and money in business districts.
Business District Streetscapes, Trees, and Consumer Response by Kathleen L. Wolf
Trees and Business District Preferences: A Case Study of Athens, Georgia, U.S. by Kathleen L. Wolf
Trees can also help reduce heating, cooling, and storm water management costs.
How to Plant Trees to Conserve Energy
On a hot summer day, people try to park their car in the shade of a street tree to keep their car cooler and more comfortable, but did you know you are also helping air quality? Street trees can help reduce vehicular volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions.
Trees also absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) and other pollutant gases. In one year, an acre of mature trees can absorbs the amount of CO2 produced when you drive your car 26,000 miles. That same acre of trees will also produce enough oxygen for 18 people during that year.
When the rain starts pouring, trees also manage storm water by retaining and filtering the rain.
Read about how trees can retain storm water runoff in the Tree City USA Bulletin.
Planting trees can be a great way to engage residents, build a sense of community, and create a social space. Trees also make communities more walkable because trees calm traffic, buffer noise, and reduce crime while providing access to nature.
Consider volunteering with Spruce Up Austin.