- Red bikes are free to use.
- Follow the rules of the road and ride at your own risk.
- Helmets not provided but strongly encouraged.
- No riding after dark.
- Please return the red bike to any red rack.
- Inspect the bike before riding and do not ride a bike in need of repair.
- If a red bike needs repair or is found somewhere other than a red rack, please contact Parks & Recreation at 507-433-1881 and note the bikes number.
Bike Trail Map
- Bicicletas Rojas es de uso gratuito.
- Sique las reglas the la carretera y maneja bajo tu propio riesgo.
- Cascos no son provisionados pero su uso es fuermente recomendado.
- No se pueden usar las Bicicletas en la noche.
- Porfavor devolver las rojas Bicicletas a culquier estante rojo.
- Observe con atencion el estado de la bicicleta antes de usarla,no la utilize si esta en un mal estado.
- En caso de encuentrar la bicicleta rojo en un mal estado o en un lugar inapropiado, porfavor contactor Parks & Recreation al Numero 507-433-1881 y denuncie el numero de la bicicleta.
Tips for Safer Bicycling
- Be alert: Scan ahead, center, to the left and right. Keep your head up and look ahead, not at the ground. Do not wear headphones while riding.
- Be conspicuous: Ride where people can see you and wear bright clothing. Make eye contact with others and don’t ride on sidewalks.
- Be predictable: Make your intentions clear to everyone on the road. Ride in a straight line and don’t swerve between parked cars. Signal turns and check behind you before turning or changing lanes.
- Be smart: One person per bike. Check your bike tires, brakes and chain before each ride. Follow the rules of the road and ride on the right side of the road, never against traffic.
- Be wary: Pay attention to vehicles, pedestrians and others on the road. Watch for turning vehicles and cars pulling in and out of driveways. Ride outside the door zone of parked cars. Look out for debris, potholes and other road hazards.